Transforma tu negocio con la Virtualización de Redes

Transform your business with network virtualization

Companies are facing new scenarios in which data centers are no longer enclosed physical structures, so connectivity is key to IT infrastructure deployment. Therefore, it’s important to talk about network virtualization.

Network virtualization is an efficient way to manage telecommunications and provides greater flexibility and agility to face service demands. It also uses software to combine several physical networks into a single virtual network, which makes it possible to divide a physical network into several independent virtual networks.

This means that you can use software to centralize all services traditionally executed through CPD hardware such as routing or WAN and Firewall optimization.

Internet traffic continues to grow, which makes network virtualization crucial to more rational resource management. Besides, it cuts costs, reduces latency and improves user experience.

Advantages of Network Virtualization

There’s no question that network virtualization supports business transformation. Network Function Visualization (NFV) technology can be linked to Software Defined Networks (SDN) and substitute hardware-defined IT network architectures with software that manages and executes the entire deployment.

In other words, this software groups together resources in a physical network such as switchboards and routers to make them accessible for any user via a centralized management system. Thus, instead of a specific task, every piece of equipment is assigned a software (that could change in the future) and that can be exchanged among other equipment in the same network.

This focus allows you to superimpose one or more logically separate networks on top of a physical network, thereby eliminating time/space limitations. Additionally, this can be applied where and whenever necessary without having to wait for complex, manually built deployments.

In the same manner, network virtualization provides a smart access layer that recognizes the specific needs of each resource or service automatically dissecting it to a given network to guarantee high performance.

Let’s talk about function virtualization

We’ve already mentioned that network virtualization is supported by SDN and NFV. NFV has to do with virtualizing network functions and allows every node become a data center capable of hosting different applications. That is what network flexibilization is all about.

NFV technology can therefore turn a local telecommunications node into the operator of a service provided to clients, so that when a large number of users are utilizing a certain application, a node nearby will host it and in this way reduce latency in the network.

We at NGIN Services are experts in IT solutions. We can help you transform your business with network virtualization services so you can reap the benefits of lower network latency, greater flexibility and most of all, better security and cost reduction for your company. Contact us today!